Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The "not so blessed" in intelligence people.

So, with being that we see people on a daily basis.. all types of people, I figured I would dedicate a blog to those people I just either want to out right slap, or facepalm to what i've seen (or heard).  Please ignore my grammar on this one, as its basically going to be written lines only of what i've seen (or again..heard)

One of our structures (THANK GOD I DIDN'T SEE) there was a man running naked up to find his clothes... not sure WHY he was naked in the first place..but.. yea..

I've heard of people peeing in our structure because they couldn't find a bathroom.. again..not one I've seen.

Dad is in front driving. Mom is in back.. daughter who is about 2 1/2 sitting next to mom in the middle (with no seatbelt on) and the car seat is empty. *shakes head*

Daughter in back in car seat, but barely strapped in.

3 kids in backseat all under the age of 5 (maybe.. i'm kinda pushing it) none in car seats.

People pulling up to our booth with a blank look on their face. They ask.. Am I allowed to park here. Even though the sign CLEARLY states. Public parking. (and fee information).

Oooh.. you only take cash? I thought I could pay with ATM.  What do you expect me to do now. I have no cash?!?!? (yea sir.. i'm really going to let you out for free JUST because you claim to have no cash.  Funny thing.. most of THESE people just magically appear to "find" cash in their wallet/purse/middle console)

I refuse to pay the 2 dollars you are asking me... sure go ahead and give me a citation ($40 bucks!)  I don't know about you.. but I would rather run into the building.. go to the ATM and get the money out (regardless of fees) and pay the 2 bucks...

*Big pet peeve*  People handing me their tickets... after pulling up to the booth with it in their mouth.

People handing me their ticket with the lit cigarette in the same hand.

People hitting the booth/pole.. or curb.

One lady broke our gate arm. She had a place to put her wheel chair on the back of her car. The gate got stuck between the car and the wheel chair. My booth mate asked her to stop.. and well she didn't. Now we have a very small gate arm..

Uh.. my card isn't working.. I'm not sure why.  I take it from them, swipe it.. and it works fine. (Happens almost daily!)

I only have $100... (we only accept 20 or less.. which is posted everywhere too).

Hmm... that's all i can think of for right now.. I know there are a ton more.. but man.. you get the idea!

1 comment:

  1. Keep them comin' Erin....I think you may have a story or two to add...right :)
