Tuesday, March 15, 2011

First Post

So, I've decided that since I see so much random, sometimes funny and sometimes very sad, things at work, I would blog about it.  Hope you enjoy my stories.  I will add as I see more :)  I know this first blog is going to be a bit scattered as I have now 2 1/2 months as working as a parking attendant. It's never a job i thought I would have, but I enjoy it immensely!  

My first week working, while still training, somewhat on my own, a guy came through our line, I wasn't working on register at the time, but was watching.  He had been told his total after pulling up to the booth. The guy said that he wasn't going to pay, that it should be validated as he was a witness in a case (which they do get validations, but not from us). Mind you, by this time, he had parked his car at the booth and refused to move it. We explained what his options were, which were either to park his car and go to the courthouse to get the validations, go to the ATM to get cash (as we only take cash) or we could call parking enforcement and he would receive a citation.  He chose to have us call the parking enforcement.    He then looked at his ticket and said. "I didn't refuse to pay" (which is what the ticket was written for, as he was basically refusing to pay).  My co-worker then lifted the gate (as we do after they receive a citation), and once again, he refused to move and that we needed to call the authorities.  Which we did.  One of our parking enforcement guys FINALLY was able to talk some sense into the guy and he left... but man... what a first week that was!

One other thing that happens while working is that we get a lot of stories of why they shouldn't have to pay.  The funniest one I have gotten by far is an older gentleman was coming through my line.  He stated, with a huge grin on his face, that he had stolen the car and asked if he still had to pay the fee. (Granted I could tell he was just joking..). So smiling back at him, I said "Of course"  He gave me his ticket which I ran through our machines.  It came up as $2.00 which I told him, to which he stated "Wow..that's highway robbery!"  

Now just to finish off this first blog.  Many many times... we get... "Really, you only take cash... does that mean you don't take debit cards?"  Seriously people...there are signs EVERYWHERE!  

More stories to come.  I'm sure there are more in my head... I just need to start writing them all down so that when I do update this... the thoughts won't be so scattered!

Thanks for reading!

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