Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Additional thoughts..

So i've decided to add a few more stories.  I feel I have to be somewhat careful what I say, as I could potentially get in trouble. HOWEVER, because I have a heart.. i'm sharing these anyway (at least this first story).

I seem to have that personality that people are just drawn to talk to me about their problems.  I have no issues with this, as I'm used to it, and am a good listener.  One day a guy walked up to my booth to ask me where the temp agency was for the county.  He was not even close to where it was, so I explained how to get there.  He continued to talk to me and told me he had .95 cents to his name and that he had been unemployed for 2 years. He shared with me that he was so close to just breaking down and crying.  I tried to encourage him as much as possible, as I have been in that position (thank GOD not for that long, but I get it!).  Anyway, later on that same guy came driving up to my booth, handed me his ticket. The ticket came up to 2.00 (if i remember correctly).  He looked like he almost wanted to cry.  He said he decided to go ahead and go over and talk to HR (which is downtown).  He said.. I have nothing.. what am I supposed to do?  I don't have a bank account, so I can't go to the bank.. you know I only have .95 cents to my name..
Now you have to understand.  Someone in his position, the only alternative is that he gets a citation ($40) and then we can let them out.  I felt compassion for him, and took care of his ticket for him.  Granted, we aren't allowed to do this (i'm sure) but I just couldn't do that too that poor guy when he had been through so much.
You have to understand... we get MANY excuses... i mean so many every day that I can't even count on fingers and toes.. but I knew in my heart of hearts that this guy was genuine.  I felt for him.  I still pray for him hoping to see him come through my line again... BUT this time as an employee!  Everyone needs a break from time to time... that was his. :)

Okay.. now to lighten up the mood and to finish off this blog.  The other day I had a gentleman, who was a county employee, in about his 60's come through my line.  He asked me if we gave senior discounts.  I kinda laughed and told him that we didn't, plus he wouldn't be included in that as he looked to be too young.  I at least got a good laugh out of him and his passenger to which he replied.. I do believe you need to get that prescription in your glasses checked.  :)

One last thought.  I'm thinking about keeping a tally of how many people hit our booth our pole. One gentleman yesterday hit the pole with his truck and drove off with a very nice yellow streak on his nice huge truck.

till next time!

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